By Faith Baptist Church
An Old-fashioned, Bible Believing,
               Bible Preaching,
     Independent Baptist Church 
              State Road, NC
   Home      About us
Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, God brought a group of believers together to worship him in Spirit and in Truth in May of 2012.  We have witnessed God perform many miracles in the lives of individuals as well as the assembly of believers.  Most importantly, we have seen the lost saved and Christians encouraged. By Faith Baptist Church was officially organized as an independent, fundamental Baptist Church on July 28, 2012.


We are located in the community of State Road North Carolina and are made up of a body of believers that still believe in the old paths and old time worship.  We’d rather be old time Christians than anything we know. We still believe in the inspired, inerrant, infallible King James Bible.  We still believe that the Great Commission is our commission – to go out and reach the lost for Christ through the preaching of God’s Word, through personal soul winning and supporting of missionaries preaching the gospel around the world.